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Alistair Sutcliffe




Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2.00pm

At Wilmslow Library, 1st floor Meeting Room 

How many members: tba

Max size: the room limit is 50 – 60

Waiting list: no

The Science Group arranges regular talks from speakers on various science, medical and technology subjects. Speakers have including U3A members from Wilmslow and other U3As who have scientific and medical backgrounds as well as scientists from our regional universities. The group also organises visits to science and technology museums as well as centres for research.

Tue 21 Jan 2025 14:00


'Uranium, the Bogeyman of the periodic table. A case of Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde',

Prof Steve Liddle, University of Manchester

Nuclear. What an emotive word. For or against, we already have legacy issues from nuclear power and weapons and there’ll be more in the future. Most nuclear applications use uranium, so I will attempt to unpick this complex area and present some facts about uranium and the science that is done with it.

Tue 18 Feb 2025 14:00


A1, Autonomy and Robots - directions, drawbacks and potential safeguards.

Prof Michael Fisher, School of Computer Science, University of Manchester