Header photo

Wilmslow U3A is a member of the NE Cheshire Network of local U3As (including Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle and Gatley, Bramhall, Poynton and Macclesfield). The network membership has a number of advantages and more information will follow shortly.


Members of U3As affiliated with the NE Cheshire Network may participate in other U3As' Interest Groups to a limited extent - that is, where the group is declared 'open' by the convenor and relevant Interest Group Coordinator. A list of current open groups is provided below - please get In touch with your own U3A Interest Group Coordinator for further contact details.

NEC Network u3a Open Groups. March 2023 with additions to November 2023.



Telephone or email


Acoustic Folk/Rock Band

Geoff Brindle

Contact Poynton u3a

About twice per month.
Contact Organiser.

Art (Poynton)

Linda Thompson

Contact Poynton u3a

Mondays, 2.00-4.00pm
Civic Hall

Art Appreciation (Cheadle Hulme)

Bernadette Murray Robb

0161 498 8837

3rd Thursday, 2pm
Heald Green Village Hall

Bird Watching

Peter Owen

Contact Poynton u3a

Contact Organiser

Book Group Online (Wilmslow)

Linda Bain


Contact Organiser


Dorothy Rowland

Contact Poynton u3a

2.00pm. Alternate Mondays
Davenport Golf Club

(Cheadle & Gatley)

Linda Ewing

0161 312 5072

1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoon at St. James’
Church Hall

Computers (Cheadle Hulme)


Contact Cheadle Hulme u3a

4th Tuesday, 10.00am– 12.00
Café Unity, Heald Green

Creative Writing (Bramhall)

Pat George

Contact Bramhall u3a or David Mangnall 01625 526010

14:15 2nd Wednesday in month

Creative Writing (Poynton)

Ruth Howard

Contact Poynton u3a

2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, 1.30pm.
Davenport Golf Club


David Lederer


Usually Tuesdays or Thursdays at 9.30am

Environment (Cheadle & Gatley)

Peter Briggs

07587 195851

Thursday mornings at various venues

French Conversation (Wilmslow)

Ann Thompson


1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month

Geology (Poynton)

Peter Bennett

Contact Poynton u3a

4th Thursday of the month. Usually a field trip

(Cheadle & Gatley)

Marianne Owen

0161 491 3323

3rd Tuesday of month, mornings
URC Hall

German Conversation

Peter Owen

Contact Poynton u3a

 Zoom for now

German Intermediate (Bramhall)

Jean Cox

Contact Bramhall u3a

2nd and 4th Tuesdays of month, 10.30am
At Coordinator’s home


Geoff Reason

Contact Poynton u3a

4th Wednesday of the month, 2.00pm
Brookside Garden Centre

Moral Maze (Wilmslow)

Andrew Wilkinson


This a discussion group addressing current trends of thought in society. The group meets the 1st Wednesday of the month in Wilmslow from 10.00 to 11.45 at the Rise Cafe. It is recommended to make contact with the convenor before attending

Photography (Cheadle Hulme)

Neil Rackham

0161 486 9494

2nd Tuesday, 10.00am–12.00
Café Unity, Heald Green

Photography (Poynton)

Peter Bennett and Hilary Tivey

Contact Poynton u3a

1st Friday of the month. 2pm. Poynton Civic Centre


Peter McWhirter

Contact Poynton u3a

Every Wednesday, 4.30pm, at Poynton Leisure Centre

Spanish (Poynton)

Paul Freeborn

Contact Poynton u3a

Every Monday. 10.30-11.30am.
Brookside Garden Centre

Technology for Everyone

Roger Law


Contact Convenor Roger Law

Video & Film making (Bramhall)

Alaister Macrae

Contact Bramhall u3a

Alternate Fridays 10.30am




