Our latest newsletter (January 2025) is available on line here: To open the newsletter you will need a PDF reader - if you don't have one installed on your computer already, the common one is Adobe Acrobat which you can download from here: Some of you are having problems with Acrobat - I suggest you try the Foxit reader which you can download from here: Other suitable PDF readers are available U3A NW Region produce a regular newsletter - here is the latest edition:
MEMBERSHIP FORM Membership form (Word .docx format) Renewal Form (Word .docx format)
Please note that we can now accept payments for membership applications and renewals by Bank Transfer - see details on the second page of the forms.
CONSTITUTION (amended May 2017) The Constitution of Wilmslow U3A is available to download here: * CONVENORS' HANDBOOK Some useful notes if you are a Group Convenor or are interested in starting a Group: Group Convenors Handbook (pdf) Some useful documents for Group Convenors: Risk Assessments: Use of Beacon System - Instructions for Group Convenors:
DATA PROTECTION & PRIVACY POLICIES In line with Data Protection laws and regulations, Wilmslow U3A, in conjunction with National Office, has developed Data Protection and Privacy Policies. These are described in the following two documents: AGM 2023 ACCOUNTS 2023