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The University of the Third Age is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment.  It consists of local U3As all over the UK, which are charities in their own right and are run entirely by volunteers.  Local U3As are learning cooperatives which draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members to organise and provide interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership.   The teachers learn and the learners teach. Between them U3As offer the chance to study over 300 different subjects in such fields as art, languages, music, history, life sciences, philosophy, computing, crafts, photography and walking.

Wilmslow U3A holds regular monthly meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month, with an invited speaker, a review of forthcoming events and tea, coffee and biscuits! In addition, members can attend any of the special interest groups where members can teach and learn from each other on their own interests.

Further details of the regular meetings and Interest groups can be found on this website.





Registered Charity Number 1174413.

If you have any queries about Wilmslow U3A in general, please contact Chairman Angela Every at chairman@wilmslowu3a.org.uk

Correspondence address:

Secretary, Wilmslow u3a, 14 Vardon Drive, Wilmslow, SK9 2AQ


Latest News

Committee member details are now on the 'Contact' Page.

Monthly Meetings are now back in the URC Church Hall

Please see Monthly Meetings page for more information


AGM - 26th March 2025.

Minutes of the 2024 Agm and Accounts for 2024 are now on the Newsletter page


Updated 5/3/25


Christmas lunch 2024 at Wilmslow Rugby Club


Most Interest groups have restarted operation.

Please contact the relevant convenor.

Science & Technology

The Science and Technology Group now meets on the third Tuesday of the month - 2pm Wilmslow Library

See the Science & Technology Interest Group page for further details.


We are delighted to announce the formation of a Scrabble group at Wilmslow u3a.

Marcie Hollington has kindly agreed to be the new convenor and will lead the group. She can be contacted at scrabble@wilmslowu3a.org.uk . Please see the Interest Group page for further details.


Handicraft Group will be meeting at Morley Tea Room on on the second Wednesday of the month at 2:00pm. Please see Handicarft Group page for further information.


NE Cheshire Network information:

See NE Cheshire Network page - information about Open Interest Groups (in which you may participate) with other U3As within the network.


New interest groups

We are always looking to start new groups - if you have any ideas or would like to start a new group, please contact Our Chairman Angela Every at chairman@wilmslowu3a.org.uk

If you know of anyone else who might be interested, even if they are not yet a U3A member, encourage them to give it a try.

Regional and National

We mention U3A activities available locally on this web site - however, a range of facilities including news and events are provided nationally and regionally. For more information, please refer to the U3A magazine "Third Age Matters" (sent free of charge to all Wilmslow U3A members) and to the regional U3A web site www.u3asites.org.uk/north-west.



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